The Tantric and The demon Story

The Tantric and The demon Story


In a village called "Ashoknagar" lived a greedy and selfish woman. One day the woman was going through a forest to a neighboring village.

Suddenly a demon came in front of her and said to her, "Greedy woman I know you are very greedy. If you can bring me a baby boy, I will give you a lot of gold." At first the woman was very scared but when she heard about the gold she became very happy. And says to Rakshasi "Sure, I am going to the neighboring village. I will bring a baby boy from the neighboring village and give it to you."

The woman went to the neighboring village. And saw there three or four children playing together. Then the woman called one of them and said "Listen" I will buy you good chocolate, will you go with me to the neighboring village? Then the boy said "Yes I will go."

Then the woman looked around and went into the forest with the boy. After walking some distance, the greedy woman saw the demon and approached him. The woman called the demon and said, "Here, little child, I have done what you said. Now give me the gold, I will go home."

Hearing the demon and the woman, the boy fainted with fear. At that time, a Tantric was passing by the side road, and the Tantric saw the incident, immediately ran to them. Seeing the Tantric, the demon and the woman all run away, the Tantric goes there and finds the little child lying on the ground.

The tantric then lifted the boy from the ground and took him to his parents. Tantric tells his parents "Always keep your son safe, don't let your son go anywhere with any unknown stranger, and yes little kid I'm telling you too" no matter how good a stranger offers chocolate or good ice cream. Don't go anywhere alone with them. Then the tantric leaves from there.

Meanwhile the demon got very angry with Tantric and said, "Tantrik has completely ended my life, if I can't harm Tantric then I am not a demon." Saying this he leaves.

For the second part of this story, follow

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